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@page @{ Layout = null; } <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title>鳩でもわかるスネークゲーム - 鳩でもわかるASP.NET Core</title> <script src=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/snake-game/style.css"> </head> <body> <div id = "container"> <p id="conect-result"></p> <div id="field"> <div> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> </div> <div> <div id="map"><canvas id="map-canvas"></canvas></div> <div id="info"></div> </div> <button id="start" class="button">スタート</button> <button id="left" class="button">左旋回</button> <button id="right" class="button">右旋回</button> <button id="dash" class="button">ダッシュ</button> </div><!--/#field--> <div id="ranking"></div> <p>PCは←→で左右の旋回ができます。</p> <div id="player-name-outer"> <label>ハンドルネーム</label> <input type="text" id="player-name" maxlength='16' /> <p><a href="./hi-score">トップ30を見る</a></p> </div> <div id="volume-controller"></div> </div><!--/#container--> <script> let connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder().withUrl("@baseurl/snake-game-hub").build(); </script> <script src="/snake-game/app.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </body> </html> |
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@charset "utf-8"; body { background-color: #000; color: #fff; font-family: "MS ゴシック"; line-height: 1.5; } #container { width: 360px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; } #field { position: relative; overflow: hidden; } #canvas { display:block; } #map { float: left; width: 120px; } #info { float: right; width: 220px; } .display-none { display: none; } #start { left: 100px; top: 230px; } #left, #right { top: 250px; } #left { left: 10px; display: none; } #right { left: 190px; display: none; } #dash { top: 330px; left: 100px; display: none; } .button { position: absolute; background-color: transparent; color: white; width: 160px; height: 70px; } #player-name-outer { margin-top: 20px; } #volume-controller { margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; } #hide-buttons { margin-top: 20px; } |
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const windowWidth = window.outerWidth; const CANVAS_WIDTH = 360; const CANVAS_HEIGHT = 400; // DOM要素 const $info = document.getElementById('info'); const $playerNameOuter = document.getElementById('player-name-outer'); const $playerName = document.getElementById('player-name'); const $conectResult = document.getElementById('conect-result'); // ボタン const $start = document.getElementById('start'); const $left = document.getElementById('left'); const $right = document.getElementById('right'); const $dash = document.getElementById('dash'); // canvas とコンテキスト const $canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); const ctx = $canvas.getContext('2d'); const $mapCanvas = document.getElementById('map-canvas'); const mapCtx = $mapCanvas.getContext('2d'); // 描画に使うイメージ const fillImages1 = []; const fillImages2 = []; const fillImages3 = []; // 自機を移動させるキーは押下されているかどうか? let isLeftKeyDown = false; let isRightKeyDown = false; let isUpKeyDown = false; let isSpaceKeyDown = false; let connectionID = ''; let isPreventDefault = false; // 矢印キーを押下したときデフォルトの動作を抑止するか? let isGameovered = true; let mapCircles = new Map(); // 描画すべきCircleオブジェクトを格納する辞書 let playerID = 0; // 自身のプレイヤーID let playerX = 0; // 自身の頭部が存在する座標 let playerY = 0; let playerLength = 0; // 自身の体長 let fieldRadius = 0; // 自身の太さ // 効果音 const bgm = new Audio('./sounds/bgm.mp3'); const soundMiss = new Audio('./sounds/miss.mp3'); const soundKill = new Audio('./sounds/kill.mp3'); const soundGameOver = new Audio('./sounds/gameover.mp3'); const sounds = [soundGameOver, soundKill, soundMiss, bgm]; let volume = 0.3; // ボリューム |
ASP.NET SignalRでサーバーに接続する
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window.onload = () => { $conectResult.innerHTML = `接続しようとしています`; $canvas.width = CANVAS_WIDTH; $canvas.height = CANVAS_HEIGHT; // テキストボックスに以前に使ったプレイヤー名があるならこれを設定する const savedName = localStorage.getItem('hatodemowakaru-player-name'); if(savedName) $playerName.value = savedName; initImages(); // 描画に使うイメージの初期化 addEventListeners(); initVolumeController('volume-controller', sounds); const $hideButtons = document.getElementById('hide-buttons'); setInterval(() => { if(bgm.currentTime >= 100) bgm.currentTime = 0; }, 500); connection.start().catch((err) => { document.getElementById("conect-result").innerHTML = '接続失敗'; }); } |
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function initImages(){ const imagefiles1 = [ './images/fillf00.png', './images/fill0f0.png', './images/fillf0f.png', './images/fill0ff.png', ]; const imagefiles2 = [ './images/fillfff.png', ]; const imagefiles3 = [ './images/food_f00.png', './images/food_0f0.png', './images/food_ff0.png', './images/food_0ff.png', './images/food_f0f.png', ]; imagefiles1.forEach(_ => { const image = new Image(); image.src = _; fillImages1.push(image); }); imagefiles2.forEach(_ => { const image = new Image(); image.src = _; fillImages2.push(image); }); imagefiles3.forEach(_ => { const image = new Image(); image.src = _; fillImages3.push(image); }); } |
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function addEventListeners(){ $start.addEventListener('click', (ev) => gameStart()); // gameStart関数は後述 const arr1 = ['mousedown', 'touchstart', 'mouseup', 'touchend']; const arr2 = [true, true, false, false]; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { $left?.addEventListener(arr1[i], (ev) => { connection.invoke('TurnLeft', arr2[i]); }); $right?.addEventListener(arr1[i], (ev) => { connection.invoke('TurnRight', arr2[i]); }); $dash?.addEventListener(arr1[i], (ev) => { connection.invoke('Dash', arr2[i]); }); } document.addEventListener('keydown', (ev) => { if (isPlaying) { if (ev.code == 'ArrowLeft' || ev.code == 'ArrowRight' || ev.code == 'ArrowUp' || ev.code == 'ArrowDown' || ev.code == 'Space') ev.preventDefault(); } if (ev.code == 'ArrowLeft' && !isLeftKeyDown) { isLeftKeyDown = true; connection.invoke("TurnLeft", true); } if (ev.code == 'ArrowRight' && !isRightKeyDown) { isRightKeyDown = true; connection.invoke("TurnRight", true); } if (ev.code == 'ArrowUp' && !isUpKeyDown) { isUpKeyDown = true; connection.invoke("Dash", true); } if (ev.code == 'Space' && !isSpaceKeyDown) { isSpaceKeyDown = true; connection.invoke("Dash", true); } }); document.addEventListener('keyup', (ev) => { if (ev.code == 'ArrowLeft') { connection.invoke("TurnLeft", false); isLeftKeyDown = false; } if (ev.code == 'ArrowRight') { connection.invoke("TurnRight", false); isRightKeyDown = false; } if (ev.code == 'ArrowUp') { connection.invoke("Dash", false); isUpKeyDown = false; } if (ev.code == 'Space') { connection.invoke("Dash", false); isSpaceKeyDown = false; } }); } |
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function initVolumeController(elementId, sounds){ const savedVolume = localStorage.getItem('hatodemowakaru-volume'); if(savedVolume) volume = Number(savedVolume); const $element = document.getElementById(elementId); const $div = document.createElement('div'); const $span1 = document.createElement('span'); $span1.innerHTML = '音量'; $div?.appendChild($span1); const $range = document.createElement('input'); $range.type = 'range'; $div?.appendChild($range); const $span2 = document.createElement('span'); $div?.appendChild($span2); $range.addEventListener('input', () => { const value = $range.value; $span2.innerText = value; volume = value / 100; setVolume(); }); $range.addEventListener('change', () => localStorage.setItem('hatodemowakaru-volume', volume.toString())); setVolume(); $span2.innerText = Math.round(volume * 100); $ = '16px'; $range.value = volume * 100; $ = '250px'; $ = 'middle'; $element?.appendChild($div); const $button = document.createElement('button'); $button.innerHTML = '音量テスト'; $ = '120px'; $ = '45px'; $ = '12px'; $ = '10px'; $button.addEventListener('click', () => { sounds[0].currentTime = 0; sounds[0].play(); }); $element?.appendChild($button); function setVolume(){ for(let i = 0; i < sounds.length; i++) sounds[i].volume = volume; } } |
サーバーに接続できた場合、ASP.NET SignalRで使われる一意の接続IDとフィールドの半径が送信されるので、これをグローバル変数に保存しておきます。
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connection.on("SendToClientConnectionSuccessful", (id, radius) => { connectionID = id; $conectResult.innerHTML = `接続完了`; fieldRadius = radius; }); |
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function gameStart(){ let playerName = $playerName.value; if (playerName == '') playerName = '名無しさん'; localStorage.setItem('hatodemowakaru-player-name', playerName); connection.invoke("GameStart", playerName); } |
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connection.on("SendToClientGameStartSuccessful", () => { mapCircles = new Map(); isPreventDefault = true; isGameovered = false; $ = 'none'; $ = 'none'; if(windowWidth <= 620){ $ = 'block'; $ = 'block'; $ = 'block'; } bgm.currentTime = 0;; $conectResult.innerHTML = `PLAY`; }); |
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connection.on("SendToClientUpdateFieldStatus", (fieldStatusText) => { if(fieldStatusText == '') return; const arr = fieldStatusText.split(','); const playerCount = Number(arr[0]); const npcCount = Number(arr[1]); const foodCount = Number(arr[2]); const circlesCount = Number(arr[3]); let text = `X = ${playerX.toLocaleString()} / ${(fieldRadius * 2).toLocaleString()}<br>Y = ${playerY.toLocaleString()} / ${(fieldRadius * 2).toLocaleString()}<br>`; text += `Player = ${playerCount}, NPC = ${npcCount}<br>Food = ${foodCount.toLocaleString()}<br>CirclesCount = ${circlesCount}`; $info.innerHTML = `${text}`; }); |
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connection.on("SendToClientUpdateMyStatus", (playerText) => { if (playerText != '') { const arr = playerText.split(','); playerID = arr[0]; playerLength = arr[1]; playerX = arr[2]; playerY = arr[3]; } }); |
1 2 3 4 |
connection.on("SendToClientKillPlayer", () => { soundKill.currentTime = 0;; }); |
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connection.onclose( () => { connectionID = ''; if($conectResult != null){ $conectResult.innerHTML = '通信が切断されました'; } }); |
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class Circle { constructor(){ this.ID = 0; // 一意のID this.X = 0; // 座標 this.Y = 0; this.Radius = 0; // 半径 this.PlayerID = 0; // プレイヤーのID this.NumberFromHead = 0; // 頭から何番目か? this.PlayerLength = 0; // 長さ this.KillCount = 0; // 倒した他のプレイヤーの数 this.PlayerName = ''; // プレイヤー名 } } |
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connection.on("SendToClientUpdateCircles", (addCirclesText, removeCirclesText) => { if (removeCirclesText != ''){ const arr = removeCirclesText.split(','); for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { const key = Number(arr[i]); mapCircles.delete(key); } } for (let circle of mapCircles.values()) circle.NumberFromHead++; if (addCirclesText != ''){ const arr1 = addCirclesText.split('\n'); for (let i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) { const text = arr1[i]; const arr2 = text.split('\t'); const key = Number(arr2[0]); if (!mapCircles.has(key)) { const circle = new Circle(); circle.ID = Number(arr2[0]), circle.X = Number(arr2[2]), circle.Y = Number(arr2[3]), // 餌ではなくプレイヤーの身体の一部なら半径やPlayerIDに関する情報があるはず circle.Radius = arr2[4] != undefined ? Number(arr2[4]) : 2, circle.PlayerID = arr2[5] != undefined ?Number(arr2[5]) : -1, circle.NumberFromHead = arr2[6] != undefined ? Number(arr2[6]) : -1, circle.PlayerLength = arr2[7] != undefined ? Number(arr2[7]) : -1, // プレイヤーの頭部であれば倒したプレイヤーの数やプレイヤー名が存在するはず circle.KillCount = arr2[8] != undefined ? Number(arr2[8]) : -1, circle.PlayerName = arr2[9] != undefined ? arr2[9] : '*', mapCircles.set(key, circle); } else { // arr2[1] == 'true' ならオブジェクトの座標が更新されたことになるので更新する if (arr2[1] == 'true') { const circle = mapCircles.get(key); circle.X = Number(arr2[2]); circle.Y = Number(arr2[3]); } } } } draw(); // 辞書の内容で描画処理をおこなう }); |
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function draw() { ctx.fillStyle = '#000'; ctx?.fillRect(0, 0, CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT); let shiftX = playerX - CANVAS_WIDTH / 2; let shiftY = playerY - CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2; ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff'; ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(fieldRadius - shiftX, fieldRadius - shiftY, fieldRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2); ctx.stroke(); const circles = []; for (let circle of mapCircles.values()) circles.push(circle); circles.sort((a, b) => a.ID - b.ID); const heads = []; circles.forEach(_ => { let isHead = _.PlayerID >= 0 && _.NumberFromHead == 0; let isBody = _.PlayerID >= 0 && _.NumberFromHead > 0; let isFood = _.PlayerID < 0; const x = _.X - shiftX; const y = _.Y - shiftY; const radius = isHead || isBody ? _.Radius : 2; if (x > -10 && x < CANVAS_WIDTH + 10 && y > -10 && y < CANVAS_HEIGHT + 10) { if (isFood) { let idx = _.ID % fillImages3.length; ctx.drawImage(fillImages3[idx], x - 16, y - 16, 32, 32); drawCount++; } else if (isBody) { if (_.PlayerLength > 30) { if (_.NumberFromHead % 2 == 0) { if (_.NumberFromHead % 8 == 0 || _.NumberFromHead % 8 == 6) { let idx = _.PlayerID % fillImages1.length; ctx.drawImage(fillImages1[idx], x - radius, y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2); } else { ctx.drawImage(fillImages2[0], x - radius, y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2); } } } else { if (_.NumberFromHead % 4 == 0 || _.NumberFromHead % 4 == 3) { let idx = _.PlayerID % fillImages1.length; ctx.drawImage(fillImages1[idx], x - radius, y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2); } else { let idx = _.PlayerID % fillImages2.length; ctx.drawImage(fillImages2[0], x - radius, y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2); } } } else if (isHead) { let idx = _.PlayerID % fillImages1.length; const head = { x: x, y: y, radius: radius, image: fillImages1[idx], playerName: _.PlayerName, playerID: _.PlayerID, length: _.PlayerLength, killCount: _.KillCount, }; heads.push(head); } } }); heads.forEach(_ => { ctx.drawImage(_.image, _.x - _.radius - 0.5, _.y - _.radius - 0.5, _.radius * 2 + 1, _.radius * 2 + 1); ctx.fillStyle = '#fff'; ctx.font = '16px Arial bold'; ctx.textBaseline = 'top'; if (_.playerID == playerID) { ctx.fillText(_.playerName, CANVAS_WIDTH / 2 + 10, CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2 + 10); ctx.fillText(`Length ${_.length}`, CANVAS_WIDTH / 2 + 10, CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2 + 30); ctx.fillText(`Kill ${_.killCount}`, CANVAS_WIDTH / 2 + 10, CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2 + 50); } else { ctx.fillText(_.playerName, _.x + 10, _.y + 10); ctx.fillText(`Length ${_.length}`, _.x + 10, _.y + 30); ctx.fillText(`Kill ${_.killCount}`, _.x + 10, _.y + 50); } }); } |
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class Player { constructor(id, name, score, x, y){ this.ID = id; this.Name = name; this.Score = score; this.X = x; this.Y = y; } } |
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connection.on("SendToClientUpdatePlayersStatus", (playersStatusText) => { const players = []; if(playersStatusText != ''){ const arr = playersStatusText.split('\n'); arr.forEach(_ => { const arr2 = _.split('\t'); players.push(new Player(Number(arr2[0]), arr2[1], Number(arr2[2]), Number(arr2[3]), Number(arr2[4]))); }); } players.sort((a, b) => b.Score - a.Score); let rankingTableHTML = ''; rankingTableHTML += '<table>'; rankingTableHTML += '<tr>'; rankingTableHTML += '<td width="30"></td>'; rankingTableHTML += '<td width="150">Player Name</td>'; rankingTableHTML += '<td>(X, Y, Length)</td>'; rankingTableHTML += '</tr>'; let rank = 0; players.forEach(_ => { rank++; rankingTableHTML += '<tr>'; rankingTableHTML += `<td>${rank}</td>`; rankingTableHTML += `<td>${_.Name}</td>`; rankingTableHTML += `<td>(${_.X}, ${_.Y}, ${_.Score})</td>`; rankingTableHTML += '</tr>'; }); rankingTableHTML += '</table>'; document.getElementById('ranking').innerHTML = rankingTableHTML; mapCtx.fillStyle = '#000'; mapCtx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100); mapCtx.beginPath(); mapCtx.arc(50, 50, 50, 0, Math.PI * 2); mapCtx.fill(); mapCtx.strokeStyle = '#888'; mapCtx.stroke(); players.forEach(_ => { const x = _.X / (fieldRadius * 2) * 100; const y = _.Y / (fieldRadius * 2) * 100; if(_.ID == playerID) mapCtx.fillStyle = '#f00'; else mapCtx.fillStyle = '#fff'; mapCtx.beginPath(); mapCtx.arc(x, y, 3, 0, Math.PI * 2); mapCtx.fill(); }); }); |
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connection.on("SendToClientGameOvered", () => { isGameovered = true; $ = 'none'; $ = 'none'; $ = 'none'; connection.invoke("TurnLeft", false); connection.invoke("TurnRight", false); connection.invoke("Dash", false); isLeftKeyDown = false; isRightKeyDown = false; isUpKeyDown = false; isSpaceKeyDown = false; bgm.pause(); soundMiss.currentTime = 0;; $conectResult.innerHTML = `GAME OVER`; setTimeout(() => { isPreventDefault = false; $ = 'block'; $ = 'block'; bgm.pause(); soundGameOver.currentTime = 0;; }, 2000); }); |
Gameクラスの定義 Slither.ioもどきを作る(4)で定義したScoreRankingクラスのLoadメソッドでHiscoreのリストを取得して長さとKill数でソートした結果をそれぞれ表示させるだけです。
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@page @{ Layout = null; } <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>スコアランキング</title> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/snake-game/ranking-style.css"> </head> <body> <div id = "container"> <h1>スコアランキング</h1> <input type="button" id = "back" onclick="location = './'" value="戻る"> <h2>Length 順</h2> <table class="ranking-table"> <thead> <tr><td scope="col" rowspan="2"></td><td scope="col" colspan="3">Player Name</td></tr> <tr><td scope="col">Length - Kill</td><td scope="col">Date</td></tr> </thead> <tbody> @{ int num = 0; List<SnakeGame.Hiscore> hiscores = SnakeGame.ScoreRanking.Load(); List<SnakeGame.Hiscore> hiscores1 = hiscores.OrderByDescending(_ => _.Score).ThenByDescending(_ => _.KillCount).ToList(); hiscores1 = hiscores1.Take(20).ToList(); } @foreach (SnakeGame.Hiscore hiscore in hiscores1) { num++; string score = $"{hiscore.Score:#,0}"; <tr><td scope="col" rowspan="2">@num</td><td scope="col" colspan="3">@hiscore.Name</td></tr> <tr><td scope="col">@score - @hiscore.KillCount</td><td scope="col">@hiscore.Date</td></tr> } </tbody> </table> <h2>Kill数 順</h2> <table class="ranking-table"> <thead> <tr><td scope="col" rowspan="2"></td><td scope="col" colspan="3">Player Name</td></tr> <tr><td scope="col">Kill - Length</td><td scope="col">Date</td></tr> </thead> <tbody> @{ num = 0; List<SnakeGame.Hiscore> hiscores2 = hiscores.OrderByDescending(_ => _.KillCount).ThenByDescending(_ => _.Score).ToList(); hiscores2 = hiscores2.Take(20).ToList(); } @foreach (SnakeGame.Hiscore hiscore in hiscores2) { num++; string score = $"{hiscore.Score:#,0}"; <tr><td scope="col" rowspan="2">@num</td><td scope="col" colspan="3">@hiscore.Name</td></tr> <tr><td scope="col">@hiscore.KillCount - @score</td><td scope="col">@hiscore.Date</td></tr> } </tbody> </table> </div> </body> </html> |
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@charset "utf-8"; body { background-color: #000; color: #fff; font-family: "MS ゴシック"; line-height: 1.5; } #container { width: 360px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; padding-top: 20px } h1 { font-size: 20px; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } #back { width: 100px; height: 50px; margin-bottom: 20px } td { border: 1px solid rgb(160 160 160); padding: 8px 10px; text-align: center; } .ranking-table { margin-bottom: 30px; width: 100%; } |