前回はC# Windows Formsで昔なつかしいミサイルコマンドのようなゲームを作ってみましたが、今回はTypeScriptで同じようなゲームをつくってみました。
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>TypeScriptでミサイルコマンドっぽいゲームをつくる</title> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <canvas id="can"></canvas> <script src="./app.js"></script> </body> </html> |
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class City { _left: number; _right: number; _top: number; _bottom: number; _width: number; _height: number; static _image: HTMLImageElement constructor(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) { this._left = x; this._top = y; this._width = width; this._height = height; this._right = x + width; this._bottom = y + height; this.CenterX = x + width / 2; this.CenterY = y + height / 2; let image: HTMLImageElement = new Image(); image.src = "city.png"; City._image = image; } _centerX: number; set CenterX(value) { this._centerX = value; } get CenterX(): number { return this._centerX; } _centerY: number; set CenterY(value) { this._centerY = value; } get CenterY(): number { return this._centerY; } _isDead: boolean; get IsDead() { return this._isDead; } set IsDead(value) { this._isDead = value; } // 引数で渡されたPointは矩形の内部かどうか? IsInsidePoint(x: number, y: number) { if (x < this._left) return false; if (y < this._top) return false; if (this._right < x) return false; if (this._bottom < y) return false; return true; } // 都市が壊滅していなければ描画する Draw(con: CanvasRenderingContext2D) { if (!this.IsDead) con.drawImage(City._image, this._left, this._top, this._width, this._height); } } |
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class EnemyMissile { _startX = 0; _startY = 0; _vX = 0; _vY = 0; X = 0; Y = 0; TargetX = 0; TargetY = 0; IsDead = false; SpeedUp = false; constructor(x: number, y: number, targetX: number, targetY: number, speed: number) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; this._startX = x; this._startY = y; this.TargetX = targetX; this.TargetY = targetY; let angle = Math.atan2(targetY - y, targetX - x); this._vX = Math.cos(angle) * speed; this._vY = Math.sin(angle) * speed; } Update() { this.X += this._vX; this.Y += this._vY; if (this.SpeedUp) { this.X += this._vX * 5; this.Y += this._vY * 5; } } Draw(con: CanvasRenderingContext2D) { con.strokeStyle = '#ff0000'; con.lineWidth = 3; con.beginPath(); con.moveTo(this._startX, this._startY); con.lineTo(this.X, this.Y); con.closePath(); con.stroke(); } } |
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class MyMissile { _startX = 0; _startY = 0; _targetX = 0; _targetY = 0; X = 0; Y = 0; VX = 0; VY = 0; IsReached = false; IsDead = false; // 発射位置と目標からXY座標の移動量を求める constructor(startX, startY, targetX, targetY) { // 現在位置を設定 this.X = startX; this.Y = startY; // 初期位置を保存 this._startX = startX; this._startY = startY; // 最終位置を保存 this._targetX = targetX; this._targetY = targetY; // 移動方向と移動量を算出する let angle = Math.atan2(targetY - startY, targetX - startX); this.VX = Math.cos(angle) * 20; this.VY = Math.sin(angle) * 20; this.IsReached = false; } Update() { // 移動させて目標を通過していたら目標と同じ座標にすると同時にIsReached = trueにする this.X += this.VX; this.Y += this.VY; if (this.Y < TargetY) { this.X = TargetX; this.Y = TargetY; this.IsReached = true; } } // ミサイルの描画処理 Draw(con: CanvasRenderingContext2D) { con.strokeStyle = '#0000ff'; con.lineWidth = 3; con.beginPath(); con.moveTo(this._startX, this._startY); con.lineTo(this.X, this.Y); con.closePath(); con.stroke(); } } |
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class Explosion { X: number = 0; Y: number = 0; Radius: number = 0; Life: number = 0; UpdateCount: number = 0; IsDead: boolean = false; static colors: string[] = []; Damage: boolean = false; // これがtrueだと都市に着弾したことによる爆発 // 得点としては処理されない constructor(x: number, y: number, life: number) { if (Explosion.colors.length == 0) { Explosion.colors.push('#ff0000'); Explosion.colors.push('#ffff00'); Explosion.colors.push('#00ff00'); Explosion.colors.push('#00ffff'); Explosion.colors.push('#0000ff'); Explosion.colors.push('#ff00ff'); } this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.Life = life; this.Radius = 0; } Update() { this.UpdateCount++; this.Radius = this.UpdateCount * 2; if (this.UpdateCount >= this.Life) { this.IsDead = true; } } Draw(con: CanvasRenderingContext2D) { let index = UpdateCount % Explosion.colors.length; con.beginPath(); con.arc(this.X, this.Y, this.Radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); con.fillStyle = "black"; con.fill(); con.strokeStyle = Explosion.colors[index]; con.lineWidth = 3; con.closePath(); con.stroke(); } // 引数で渡されたPointは円の内部かどうか? public IsContactPoint(x: number, y: number) { let distance2: number = Math.pow(this.X - x, 2) + Math.pow(this.Y - y, 2); let radius2: number = Math.pow(this.Radius, 2); if (distance2 < radius2) return true; return false; } } |
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function Init() { can.width = Screen_W; // 640ピクセル can.height = Screen_H; // 480ピクセル let spacing = (Screen_W - 50 * 2 - 45) / 5; Cities.push(new City(50 + spacing * 0, 350, 45, 30)); Cities.push(new City(50 + spacing * 1, 350, 45, 30)); Cities.push(new City(50 + spacing * 2, 350, 45, 30)); Cities.push(new City(50 + spacing * 3, 350, 45, 30)); Cities.push(new City(50 + spacing * 4, 350, 45, 30)); Cities.push(new City(50 + spacing * 5, 350, 45, 30)); TargetX = Screen_W / 2; TargetY = Screen_H / 2; setInterval(Update, 1000/60); } |
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let UpdateCount = 0; function Update() { MyMissiles = MyMissiles.filter(x => !x.IsDead); Explosions = Explosions.filter(x => !x.IsDead); EnemyMissiles = EnemyMissiles.filter(x => !x.IsDead); MoveTarget(); MoveEnemyMissile(); CreateEnemyMissile(); MoveMyMissiles(); UpdateExplosions(); CheckEnemyMissileLanding(); CheckHitEnemyMissile(); Draw(); UpdateCount++; } |
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function Draw() { con.fillStyle = "black"; con.fillRect(0, 0, Screen_W, Screen_H); EnemyMissiles.forEach(missile => missile.Draw(con)); MyMissiles.forEach(missile => missile.Draw(con)); Cities.forEach(city => city.Draw(con)); Explosions.forEach(explosion => explosion.Draw(con)); DrawTarget(con); DrawScore(con); DrawStringIfGameOver(con); } |
キーが押されたときの動作です。ターゲットがどちら側に移動するかを示すグローバル変数 MoveLeftなどをtrueにします。迎撃ミサイルの発射やゲームオーバー後の再挑戦の処理もここでおこなわれます。
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function OnKeyDown(e: KeyboardEvent) { if (e.keyCode == 37) // 左 MoveLeft = true; if (e.keyCode == 38) // 上 MoveUp = true; if (e.keyCode == 39) // 右 MoveRight = true; if (e.keyCode == 40) // 下 MoveDown = true; if (e.keyCode == 32) // Keys.Space Shot(); if (e.keyCode == 83 && Cities.filter(x => !x.IsDead).length == 0) // Keys.S Retry(); } |
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function OnKeyUp(e: KeyboardEvent) { if (e.keyCode == 37) MoveLeft = false; if (e.keyCode == 38) MoveUp = false; if (e.keyCode == 39) MoveRight = false; if (e.keyCode == 40) MoveDown = false; } |
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function MoveTarget() { if (MoveLeft && TargetX > 0) TargetX -= 5; if (MoveUp && TargetY > 0) TargetY -= 5; if (MoveRight && TargetX < Screen_W) TargetX += 5; if (MoveDown && TargetY < MyMissileLaunchPointY - 10) TargetY += 5; } |
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function DrawTarget(con: CanvasRenderingContext2D) { con.strokeStyle = '#00ffff'; con.lineWidth = 3; con.beginPath(); con.moveTo(TargetX - 5, TargetY); con.lineTo(TargetX + 5, TargetY); con.closePath(); con.stroke(); con.beginPath(); con.moveTo(TargetX, TargetY - 5); con.lineTo(TargetX, TargetY + 5); con.closePath(); con.stroke(); } |
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function MoveEnemyMissile() { EnemyMissiles.forEach(missile => { if (Cities.filter(city => !city.IsDead).length == 0) missile.SpeedUp = true; missile.Update(); }); } |
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function CreateEnemyMissile() { let i = 50 - UpdateCount / 100; // 敵ミサイルが生成される間隔 5より短くはならない if (i < 5) i = 5; i = Math.floor(i); // 敵ミサイルを生成する if (UpdateCount % i == 0) { // 敵ミサイルの落下速度 let speed = 0.7 + UpdateCount / 2000; // 敵ミサイルの出現場所 let startX = Math.random() * Screen_W; // 敵ミサイルの落下ポイント // ランダムに選んでいてはいつまでたっても終わらないので生き残っている都市を目指すが // ときどきそうではない場所にも落下させる let cities = Cities.filter(x => !x.IsDead); if (cities.length != 0) { let city; if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) == 0) city = cities[Math.floor(Math.random() * cities.length)]; // 生き残っている都市が目標 else city = Cities[Math.floor(Math.random() * Cities.length)]; // 6箇所から適当に選ぶ EnemyMissiles.push(new EnemyMissile(startX, 0, city.CenterX, city.CenterY, speed)); // 落下中のミサイルのどれかを分岐させる if (EnemyMissiles.length != 0) { let enemyMissile = EnemyMissiles[Math.floor(Math.random() * EnemyMissiles.length)]; if (enemyMissile.TargetX != city.CenterX) EnemyMissiles.push( new EnemyMissile(enemyMissile.X, enemyMissile.Y, city.CenterX, city.CenterY, speed)); } } } } |
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function Shot() { if (Cities.filter(city => !city.IsDead).length != 0) { MyMissiles.push(new MyMissile(MyMissileLaunchPointX, MyMissileLaunchPointY, TargetX, TargetY)); // 音を鳴らす seShot.currentTime = 0; seShot.play(); } } |
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function MoveMyMissiles() { MyMissiles.forEach(missile => { missile.Update(); if (missile.IsReached && !missile.IsDead) { Explosions.push(new Explosion(missile.X, missile.Y, 20)); missile.IsDead = true; } }); MyMissiles = MyMissiles.filter(missile => !missile.IsDead); } |
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function UpdateExplosions() { Explosions.forEach(x => x.Update()); } |
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function CheckEnemyMissileLanding() { EnemyMissiles = EnemyMissiles.filter(x => !x.IsDead); EnemyMissiles.forEach(missile => { let city: City = null; // 敵ミサイルのY座標が都市の中心Y座標より大きければ貫通している // その場合はどの都市を貫通しているかを調べる if (missile.TargetY < missile.Y) city = Cities.find(x => x.CenterX == missile.TargetX); // 敵ミサイルが貫通している都市があればミサイルを爆発させて都市を消滅させる if (city != null) { city.IsDead = true; missile.IsDead = true; // Explosionsにオブジェクトを追加 let explosion = new Explosion(city.CenterX, city.CenterY, 20) explosion.Damage = true; Explosions.unshift(explosion); // 爆発の音を鳴らす seDamage.currentTime = 0; seDamage.play(); } }); } |
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function CheckHitEnemyMissile() { // foreach文のなかでExplosionsに要素を追加すると例外が発生するので // 追加したいデータはいったんhitedEnemyMissilesに格納する let hitedEnemyMissiles = []; let enemyMissileLen = EnemyMissiles.length; Explosions.forEach(explosion => { for (let i = 0; i < enemyMissileLen; i++) { if (EnemyMissiles[i].IsDead) continue; let x = EnemyMissiles[i].X; let y = EnemyMissiles[i].Y; if (explosion.IsContactPoint(x, y) && !explosion.Damage) { hitedEnemyMissiles.push(EnemyMissiles[i]); EnemyMissiles[i].IsDead = true; OnHitEnemyMissile(); break; } } }); // 追加するときは一番最後ではなく最初に hitedEnemyMissiles.forEach(missile => { Explosions.unshift(new Explosion(missile.X, missile.Y, 15)); }); } |
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let Score = 0; function OnHitEnemyMissile() { Score += 25; // 音を鳴らす seHit.currentTime = 0; seHit.play(); } |
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function DrawScore(con: CanvasRenderingContext2D) { con.fillStyle = "white"; con.font = "16pt sans-serif"; let ret = ('00000' + Score).slice(-5); ret = "Score " + ret; con.fillText(ret, 10, 24); } |
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function DrawStringIfGameOver(con: CanvasRenderingContext2D) { if (Cities.filter(x => !x.IsDead).length == 0) { // 実際に文字を描画してX座標は中心にY座標は中心よりも少し上の座標を取得する con.fillStyle = "white"; con.font = "32pt sans-serif"; let textMetrics1 = con.measureText("Game Over"); let width1 = textMetrics1.width; let height1 = textMetrics1.emHeightAscent; con.fillText("Game Over", (Screen_W - width1) / 2, (Screen_H) / 3); con.font = "20pt sans-serif"; let textMetrics2 = con.measureText("Press S key to try again"); let width2 = textMetrics2.width; con.fillText("Press S key to try again", (Screen_W - width2) / 2, (Screen_H) / 2); } } |
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function Retry() { MyMissiles = []; UpdateCount = 0; Score = 0; Cities.map(x => x.IsDead = false); TargetX = Screen_W / 2; TargetY = Screen_H / 2; } |
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let Screen_W: number = 640; let Screen_H: number = 480; document.onkeydown = OnKeyDown; document.onkeyup = OnKeyUp; let can: HTMLCanvasElement = <HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById('can'); let con: CanvasRenderingContext2D = can.getContext("2d"); let Cities: City[] = []; let EnemyMissiles: EnemyMissile[] = []; let MyMissiles: MyMissile[] = []; let Explosions: Explosion[] = []; let MoveRight = false; let MoveLeft = false; let MoveUp = false; let MoveDown = false; let TargetX = 0; let TargetY = 0; let MyMissileLaunchPointX = Screen_W / 2; let MyMissileLaunchPointY = 400; var seDamage = new Audio('damage.mp3'); var seHit = new Audio('hit.mp3'); var seShot = new Audio('shot.mp3'); Init(); // ここからスタート! |